Friday, May 21, 2010

This is from this past weekend... Sunday we played outside all day with the kids, we cooked dinner out and then ate smores. It was a total blast! We got the kids some cheep Tball set and a cheep little golf club and ball they had a blast with it. Grace is actually pretty good at Tball.

Will also had a lot of fun... although he doesn't really get the concept of Tball yet, he will figure it out!

Stevie had fun in the Wagon. Grace pulled him around and got him going pretty fast in that thing... he had a BLAST! He was laughing and has the biggest smile on his face!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This has been my day... crazy! its been raining here for 2 days now so the kids are kinda going crazy, and so am I!
    Stevie woke up with this awful rash (an allergic reaction from something) His eyes were so swollen this morning, so heart breaking! however once i got some allergy meds into him he started looking better. But this red blotchyness is as good as it got today. 
The stickers im sure you are wondering what is going on with those...well since i have two little monsters in diapers on is always being changed... i left the room to change Will and came back in the room to this, Grace looked at me and said "mommy i made him a head band!" i couldn't be mad at her as he was happy as could be. i then left the room to go get the camera! lol...

Monday, May 17, 2010

This is our crazy life!

So this is my new blog... im trying to figure out the direction to go with it and please know it is a major work in progress... if anyone can help me with the technical side of it like making it look cooler let me know.